Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Geek Inside Me...

We all have an inner geek right?  Even those of us that don't want to admit it.  Well my inner geek really comes out when it comes to SecondLife(TM) Breedables!  I have a mathematical mind that likes to try and figure out the best combinations and how to breed down lines to find new things.  So if a breedable doesn't involve much thought process and is very predictable I get bored fast.

So far my favorites that I've found are:  Ozimal Bunnies, Meeroos and KittyCats.  I have also tried fairies, horses and dogs.  None of those really kept my interest.  Actually the horses weren't bad but they're expensive and take up too much space so for now I'm not doing them.  I also recently started trying the Yumi...but am bored within the first day.

Anyhow who knows if I'll keep up with this blog or not but decided to start it to keep track of my "experiments".  Disclaimer:  No animals will be harmed in these experiments ;)

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